Thursday, October 30, 2008

Outcome Chart

The main focus of today's assignment was to design some kind of chart that will help us plan the finial outcome of our graduation project. In this chart we must organized by date when we think important event related to our topics will be and a brief description of what will be happening during that event whether that be planning an interview or buying my guitar.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Did you know...?

· Learning how to play
o Medium gauged picks are recommended to start with, but any will work okay in a pinch
o The 7 main parts of the guitar are the headstock, tuners, nut, neck, sound whole (acoustic), body and bridge
o The three main types of guitars are acoustic, electric and electric-acoustic

· Guitar brand names
o Fender Stratocaster was designed in 1954
§ Leading developers were Leo Fender, George Fullerton and Freddie Tavares
o The most common and enduring models of electric guitar in the world are the Fender Stratocaster, Gibson Les Paul, Gibson SG, and the Fender Telecaster
o Randy Bachman, Ritchie Blackmore, Eric Clapton and Eric Johnson are all renowned Stratocaster players
o The most popular Gibson guitar is the Les Paul
o The les Paul is a solidbody electric guitar originally developed in the early 1950s
o Les Paul was originally designed by Ted McCarty
o Slash from ‘Guns and Roses’ is the most famous Les Paul player

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


After I finished working on the survey I planned on spending the last half an hour of class working on my webliography because it is due on Friday.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Today I posted my Collage that I hope might help give a visual example of what my topic is all about.

Friday, October 3, 2008


After finishing the in class assignment I started to expand on my topic by creating a collage in relation to my topic. The requirements for the collage is on the class Blog and when I am done I will try to find a way to post it on my blog.